2009-11-27 18:43:52 UTC
Some friends of mine didn't believe me when I told them some of the
famous heroes who have been officially sexually abused. I'm sure there
are more that I don't know about, so I'd like some help with actual
number issues, please!
Superman-Big Barda, mind-controlled into having sex with each other
(and possibly others) by Sleeze as part of his pornography racket.
Batman, drugged and used as a human sperm bank by Talia.
Green Arrow, same, but I'm not sure who by...
By Shado, the second time he met the japanese archer (except that she hadfamous heroes who have been officially sexually abused. I'm sure there
are more that I don't know about, so I'd like some help with actual
number issues, please!
Superman-Big Barda, mind-controlled into having sex with each other
(and possibly others) by Sleeze as part of his pornography racket.
Batman, drugged and used as a human sperm bank by Talia.
Green Arrow, same, but I'm not sure who by...
wounded him, not drugged him). Although that's only what she said to Black
Canary. Evidence suggests that Ollie was very much conscious and very much
Nightwing, taken advantage of by Tarantula during a moment of extreme
emotional stress.
Hulk, molested while tied down by some woman, while he desperately
begged her not to...
Any others?
The Huntress, in the first issue of her own series in 1989 (it has beenemotional stress.
Hulk, molested while tied down by some woman, while he desperately
begged her not to...
Any others?
retconned since then).
Speedy (Mia Dearden) when she was a teenage hooker/drug user (she said that
drugs "kept the number of rapes to a minimum" while she was living on the
Jessica Jones (by the Purple Man)
Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) (revealed in Spider-Man: The Evil that Men do).
GĂ©rard Morvan
"Kentoc'h Mervel!"